Azure DevOps: Integrate Key Vault Secrets with Local Self-Hosted Agent
Enhance your CI/CD workflows with secure and efficient Azure Key Vault integration using a Self-hosted Local Agent in Azure DevOps.
Enhance your CI/CD workflows with secure and efficient Azure Key Vault integration using a Self-hosted Local Agent in Azure DevOps.
Learn how to implement secure authentication in Vanilla JavaScript SPAs using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to obtain JWT Access and ID Tokens for seamless integration with Microsoft identity services.
Master Microsoft Dynamics CRM data migration with Azure Data Factory. Learn how to migrate data from custom applications and Excel files, resolve key mismatches, deduplicate records, and ensure seamless integration with CRM.
In modern software development, security practices often involve securely managing and regularly updating cryptographic keys.
In modern software development, security practices often involve securely managing and regularly updating cryptographic keys.
By Adnan Khan Azure App Functions:A Server Less Shared CodeExecution And ServiceAutomation In one of the projects my client required to have a code/process/business logic to be available on a…